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Poached Pears 


4 small, firm Anjou Pears

1 bottle of wine (white or red, sweet or dry)

2 c simple syrup (2c water, 2c sugar; bring to boil, reduce to simmer until all sugar dissolves, cool)

2T chopped ginger

1 cinnamon stick broke in two

1 vanilla bean split lengthwise


Toppings & Garnish Options:

caramel sauce

slivered almonds

crushed peanuts


fresh mint leaves


whip topping

sugar cookies


  1. Peel pears leave stem intact

  2. In a saucepan large enough to hold all the pears, combine the wine, simple syrup, cinnamon sticks, vanilla bean halves and ginger.

  3. Bring the mixture to a simmer, add the pears and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes, turning occasionally, until the pears are tender. Remove the pears from the liquid and allow to cool.

  4. Two ways to serve: Stand pear up on a plate or cut pear in half lengthwise and garnish as desired.


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